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How PHOENIX FORCE won Free Fire World Series 2021 Singapore?


How PHOENIX FORCE won Free Fire World Series 2021 Singapore?


Phoenix Force blew our minds by setting an unprecedented record at the Free Fire World Series 2021 Singapore. They won with a massive margin of both kill points and placement points. No team has ever strung together 4 booyahs on the same day, much less, in a tournament that’s as competitive and as difficult as the World Series. How did they do it? In this article we will try to explain the secrets of Phoenix Force. Keep in mind that a lot of the plays that Phoenix Force made depend on different situations, there is no universal secret. Their strategies were constantly being changed so that their enemies couldn’t figure them out. Something they did in bermuda might be drastically different from what they did in kalahari, but we will try to encapsulate everything together. 


Zone prediction

When you have played as much Free Fire as Phoenix Force has, you tend to see things happen much before they do, almost like premonitions. Hence their zone prediction was correct most of the time. Very often, they would find themselves in the circle, in a position to stop other teams from entering the zone, or pick them off in the middle of their rotations while not exposing themselves to danger. 


Less Rotation, less risk

Once they have successfully predicted where the zone would move, they take up a cozy spot in that area and hold it for as long as possible. They avoid rotating too much. They would much rather embark on one rotation right after they’re done looting. Most of the teams die while they are rotating or moving. Phoenix Force minimizes all the risk of getting killed by minimizing rotations. 


Identifying important positions, more importantly, identifying important fights

Most teams try to avoid fighting in the early stages of the matches, so that they can survive longer and have more players standing at the end of the game. Phoenix Force also does something similar. They avoid unnecessary battles. But that does not mean that they do not pick up fights at all. If there is a particular position that they really want to capture, and if they think that having control of that position will grant them a significant advantage, they will fight anyone and everyone who tries to stop them from getting there. 


Advantages of the landscape

Even when they don't have solid compounds to hold, or lack proper cover, they utilize the terrain to their advantage. The slightest of dents in the ground or the tiniest of elevations can also be turned into makeshift cover. But no matter where you are, whether it be on open ground or in a compound, the best cover is always the covering fire that your teammate can provide you. 


Dynamic Duos

They try to go for the 2-2 split. 2 of their players hold a position (mostly on high ground), while the other 2 fight, scout, or try to gatekeep key areas where they expect enemies to come through. This splitting up gives them more information, and control over a greater area of the map. At the same time, they aren’t very far away from each other, that means incase things go wrong, backup can still arrive instantly. 


Funneling other teams

In the first game on Bermuda, they took control of the outer wall of Factory and a sniper tower next to it. This gave them control over the gate through which teams would have to go through in order to get to the next play area. Having that area down meant that they could funnel their opponent and prevent getting flanked. 

In the next game on Kalahari, they did something similar. They deflected all the attempts of others rotating via their area, forcing them into other populated areas where they would bump into other teams. 

On Purgatory, nothing of this sort happened, but in the next games, they did it again. They’re experts at making sure not only do they have the advantage, but also do everything they can to ruin games for others. 


Thus, by using a combination of safe tricks and taking measured risks, they got 4 booyahs in a row. They also forced errors out of their opponents to grab a large number of kill points.this mix of strategies was very hard to figure out for their opponents, and even for us. This shows what a deep understanding of the game they have. That’s the mark of a true champion. We congratulate Phoenix Force once again and hope to see them in action soon in the next tournament.