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What's the best team composition? feat. TE-ICONIC


What's the best team composition? feat. TE-ICONIC

Free Fire has seen a lot of changes in it’s latest update. Chrono got nerfed, Wukong got buffed. New characters like Xayne, Skyler and Maro have been introduced. Several weapons have undergone balancing changes. In such changing game circumstances, it becomes difficult to figure out what’s the best combination of character skills. We spoke to one of the best players in India - Iconic from Team Elite. Let’s see what his thoughts are.


  1. Q. What are your thoughts on the latest update? Is using Chrono still worth it?

ICONIC: I like the changes that Garena has made recently. It makes the game more balanced and enjoyable. Chrono was too overpowered, to the extent that having literally any other character did not make sense. Now we have several other options. Characters like DJ Alok and K can start making a comeback.


  1. Q. What are your thoughts on the latest character Maro?

ICONIC:The character is pretty good for snipers. But I don’t think it’ll be very viable in tournaments. One needs to be flexible. There are several short range battles in tournaments. Having an ability slot equipped specifically for snipers takes away the versatility. 


  1. Q. What about Xayne?

ICONIC: Not bad. It can be helpful for certain aggressive players. But I would still prefer Hayato over it as it can make me tanky, and I get to retain my active ability slot. 


  1. Q. Wukong got a pretty good buff. Any thoughts regarding that?

ICONIC: The Monkey King is the real winner of this update. He might just be one of the best characters ever now. Earlier, nobody even considered using Wukong. But now he is good for escaping. Not getting knocked down and escaping is the best advantage you can give your team.


  1. Q. Could you rank the best characters right now?

ICONIC: It’s ironic. I think Chrono still can be the number one character despite the nerf. I’d rank Wukong second. Third would be DJ Alok, followed by K at number 4. 


  1. Q. Interesting that you point out about K. We don’t see him being used frequently in the tournaments. Is he still good?

ICONIC: K is actually a pretty good character. People don’t realize his power. He gives you constant HP and EP regeneration. One can start keeping less Medkits in their inventory and stock up on grenades and gloo walls more if they use K. At this point Wukong outshines it, but if it ever gets nerfed, people will start using K. 


  1. Q. This one is slightly older, but what are your thoughts on Skyler?

ICONIC: Skyler can be absolutely ridiculous. He can be the most overpowered character in the right hands, but unfortunately people haven’t figured out the best way to use him yet. The extra HP he gives you when you put down gloo walls can overwhelm the enemies. The shockwave leaves them defenseless. I like him. But you need good team coordination for it. 


  1. Q. What are your favourite passive abilities?

ICONIC: I like Wolfrahh and Hayato a lot. Maxim has become really good in this patch and I love using him too. The 40% additional healing speed is too good. It feels really satisfying to pop off a medkit in 2.5 seconds in the middle of an intense battle. 


  1. Q. What’s the ideal team composition? What kind of abilities should you use as a team?

ICONIC: We would have our designated sniper use Wukong. One can knock down people more frequently with a sniper, hence Wukong is useful as its cooldown gets reset after every knock, so he gets to use it more often. I would get the other three players to use Chrono as their active abilities. He is still pretty good for short-to-mid range combat. One just needs to learn to use it at the right time. Trigger discipline is important. 

Some common passive abilities that we share are Maxim and Moco. We have atleast 2 players use Moco because that nets us a lot of information. Knowledge is power in tournaments. 


  1. Q. What about support character abilities like Clu? If information is key, then Clu should be pretty useful, right?

ICONIC: Clu is decent, but I would only use it if Wukong gets nerfed later on. At this point, Clu doesn’t provide too much value to the team. Certainly not enough to swap out Wukong or Chrono. I might even add that Skyler provides more value than Clu. 


  1. Q. What would your advice be to new players for character selection?

ICONIC: Kelly, Maxim and Andrew. These three characters become available to new players pretty quickly. Alok is a good starting point too. However, if they can’t unlock premium characters, Hayato is great. 


  1. Q. That’s a lot of insightful information about characters and abilities. Let’s talk about weapons now. What are your current favourite weapons?

ICONIC: M1887 and M82B. Sniper and shotgun supremacy forever! 


  1. Q. What about double-vector? It was so good that it was frowned upon. Is it still worth it using it after the nerf as well?

ICONIC: I would personally prefer the shotgun because I’m comfortable with it. The Double Vectors can still be deadly, but one needs to close in the distance. It has virtually no impact at range now. 


These are Iconic’s hottest takes on the current Free Fire patch. We hope this helps you customize your characters well and take your game to the next level.